Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Thirty-Eight

We are potty training
And man is it tiring.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven


Day Thirty-Six

Our sick baby... she had a fever of 102
And the last picture taken with my Rebel XT

Day Thirty-Five

So I'm really bad at this.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Thirty-Three

Finally caught up, I might have missed a few days somewhere but it's okay.
Since I said no more pictures of Cali in a sing and it was cold and wet, it rained for like 4 days straight, we jumped on the bed.

Day Thirty-Two

I was doing some practice shots for tomorrow's newborn shoot so Cali was "helping" me hold the gray card. As you can tell it didn't work because my color is still off, the fact that I had 2 other lights on and I was using my Speedlite my have something to do with it too.

Day Thirty-One

I love this picture.

Day Thirty

Yogurt Melts

Day Twenty-nine

Last time, I Promise. No more pictures of Cali in a swing.

Day Twenty-Eight

Dave took me out on a date and we spend the night at a hotel and went for a morning walk on the beach!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day Twenty-Seven

What are you doing crazy woman, I'm on the shower!

Day Twenty-Six

Look at her 8th tooth! And she's working on a couple more!

Day Twenty-Five

We usually don't eat in the living but since Cali had already had her dinner I decided to sit on the couch to eat my dinner... well not only did she take my food, she took my seat and the remote!!
Two seconds later she got off the couch and went on with her day.

Day Twenty-Four

I love these two!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-one

We took Cali to the Wild Animal Park, surprise, and she actually touched the animals! She's no longer afraid of animals! YAY!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Twenty

Day Nineteen

Cali with a Chevron Car she found at the playground.

Day Eighteen

No that is not our back patio... Cali has a thing with peeping into other people's homes.
