Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day One Hundred Seventy-Two

We had a surprise birthday party for Dave.

Day One Hundred Seventy-One


Day One Hundred Seventy

I didn't take this picture but I asked Dave to get the camera so I could take a picture for the day but my hands were a little dirty.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day One Hundred Sixty-Nine

I can actually post during the day because Cali is outside with Daddy not bugging me!

Day One Hundred Sixty-Eight

I was inside cleaning before Dave got home and when I go searching for Cali this is what I find.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day One Hundred Sixty-Two

It was 45 degrees this morning and I accidentally left one of the windows opened last night so we turned on the fireplace for the first time. I love this house.
